Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Intent of this birth - Meaningful living, best utilization with proper understanding of the purpose of this life gifted by the Almighty;  and not to be 'Rainfall in Ocean', carried away by the illusory pleasures which turn out to be wasteful pursuits ending up nowhere.

This theme is dealt with in the sankeertana , "Vananidhi Gurisina Vanalivi" by the poet savant Annamacharya.........

'All actions in this world not done with the awareness of the Almighty are like 'rains falling into the ocean' ; not useful to anybody and 'thoughtless deeds' ; mere wasteful drudgery.

'Just as the moonlight shone in a forest  is not useful for the people of the communities in plains, purposeless living is wasteful.  They on the other hand cause painful fatigue in the heart and mind.  If one forgets the Almighty, who blessed this physical being and goes after the other persons, it only leads to more and more bondages, thus making this existence a wasteful one.

'Acquaintances and relations with affectations are deluding as the distant hills look smoothly curved contrary to their real rugged nature.  Seeking shelter under other persons results in not doing any good but only cause more worry in slighting treatment subjected to.  If one relegates the Almighty who is ready to shower grace like that of rich  and ripe harvest yield, and runs after the wasteful contacts of the mundane beings, what is the use?  It only results in exasperation!

'Day to day friendships, relations are like the gold coated articles which do not have intrinsic worth.  One who does not boldly seeks the shelter of the Almighty, is one like the wasteful existence of a half dead being!'..........

Thus we understand that our lives are gifted by the Almighty not to be wasted like 'Rainfall in Ocean' but meaningfully carve out our own destiny with a spiritual pursuit towards assured liberation!

'Vaana in Vananidhi' - Rainfall in Ocean!

Om Shanti!

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