Sunday, July 3, 2016


Perceive the Puppeteer ! The Plot of Play revealed ! But before that many doubts and half-hearted attempts with lot of dilly dallying of mind and intellect! However  the culmination of our search is in happy ending. How?

The answer is readily found in the spiritual itinerary embarked upon by the poet savant Annamacharya in his sankeertana, "Ettunnado Ni Chitta Medurada Ne Veratu".....

'O Lord! I am imperceptible about Your 'State of Mind' in respect of disposition towards me; and about this matter , I am afraid of putting on questions to You! In spite of my serious efforts, Your Play of Illusion is insurmountable!

'O Lord! After having seen the married, indulging in earthly pleasures, I too engaged myself in family life. After seeing the free willed, unbound 'sanyasins' (recluse) I too followed their fold.  After realizing the difficulties and responsibilities inherent in both the folds, I felt wonder about that in both cases calm and peaceful mind is lacking!

'After observing the people engaged scrupulously in  performance of rites and rituals envisaged by customs and traditions, I too wish to become 'Karmishti'.  But after seeing the highly spiritualistic,I feel that Jnana Marga (spiritual path) is far better than Karma Marga (path of performance of ordained chores).  While trying to weigh merits and demerits of both, I get perplexed again. I go whole hog in my attempts enumerated above but can't find  peaceful, pristine pure mind anywhere near them.

'After seeing the travellers on their 'Kasi Yatra', (journey to Varanasi; In Indian philosophical tradition, there is a strong notion that one who ends up life at Varanasi will have assured salvation and would not be born again!  Thus, those embarking on Kasi Yatra, snap off all bondages by settling all property matters among family members, bid adieu to all kith and kin, relatives and friends as final parting!) I too start off towards Varanasi.  But after covering some distance, I change my mind and return back to my home.  O Lord! Observing all these trials and tribulations of mine in search of You, with kindness, You graced me.   This state of 'matured condition of mind' I had never seen before!'......

'Matured Condition of Mind!' How much relaxing and soothing this last expression is, particularly when you are already experiencing the divinity in it! I have no further explicit words about this state; but only can 'plead' you all, to let your perceptions be with the Divinity in you which is, all through this stage show, Really Acting!

Groom's Kasi Yatra!

Om Shanti!

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