Sunday, September 6, 2015


"Whenever on earth you see an extra-ordinary holy man trying to 
uplift humanity, know that He is in him"     - Swami Vivekananda.

'Common, Oh Man! Be awake, Do not close your eyes....You have to live and lead a purposeful life.
God Is Great! '....Whenever I pass through these lines,  I can't stop my heart melting and tears rolling down my cheeks at these motivational golden mantra- like exhortations, filling hopes of life  in a hapless mortal being, exhibiting a glimpse of the way the noble souls tread on earth, exuding humanity from their core. They are the glowing torches to brighten hopes of faith, encouragement to the seekers in their spiritual growth following the path of those noble souls.  A touching story that awakens the feelings of humanity even in a dormant soul....

Once a monk  embarked on a pilgrimage to the far off  Lake Manasa Sarovar  and Mount Kailash in the Tibetan region. He took the help of a Tibetan familiar with the path.  As they reached higher altitudes,  the weather became rough and challenging, with incessant snowfall.  The Tibetan suggested to keep on dragging their feet in the snow till they reached a village not much far away from them and stay for the night.  Otherwise if they stay there only succumbing to exhaustion, they would certainly be buried live under the snow without doubt.  As they kept on moving with much difficulty, they heard  low moaning sounds by the side of the narrow path and saw a traveller almost buried under the snow, but still gasping for life. The heart of the monk melted and decided to stay for a while and save the traveller.  He turned to the Tibetan and said, "Dear friend, this gentleman seems to be still alive.   If we leave him here he would certainly be frozen to death in this snowfall.  Let us stop for a while and try to save his life."  Pat came reply from the Tibetan, "I am sorry, if we stop here for this gentleman,  we too would be frozen to death.  I will continue the journey.  I will wait for you in  the next village."  So saying, he proceeded on his way without turning back. 

The monk went near the traveller, started making sounds to him, knelt down, removed snow over the body, started rubbing with his palms and push in hot breath of  his own into the traveller.  At the same time started inspiring him, "Common, Oh Man! Be awake! Don't close your eyes  You will be all right very soon.  The warmth you are receiving makes you active again.  You have to live and lead a purposeful life.  God Is Great!  You will get up soon."   With these motivational words supported by physical efforts of monk, the traveller recovered and stood up. Both started off to the neighbouring village.  As they reached the outskirts,  they found with dismay the Tibetan lying dead on the ground.
The monk felt sorry for him and said, "Oh my God,  my friend breathed his last even before reaching this village.  May his soul rest in peace!"........

Every great soul on this earth is well aware of the dictum, "Service to the Mankind  is Service to the
God!"  It is not enough.  For, only those who steadfastly and in a humble way put in to practice, ' a small noble deed is far better than a hundred grandiose  ideals in creed,'  become , like the monk in the story, a truly veritable Noble Soul !

Om Shanti!                                                                                                                                                 

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