Tuesday, August 18, 2015


A leaf from my diary note dated 7.01.2010....

Yoga sadhana!  I owe a lot to the Almighty for blessing me with the virtue of going through the spiritually motivating yoga sadhana round the year , in the nearby Krishnakanth park, Yousufguda,
undeterred by inclement weather conditions like drizzle to moderate rain and severe cold in winter.  How much thankful I should be to Him, when I come to have convincing evidences that He is within us  as a well-wisher caring always for our well-being.  Keeping aside self-interests, if one tries to trod the path of praying  for other beings only,the gradual revelation of inner divinity will be manifest in anybody.

                                                 CLOUD FORMATION

Our guru (yogacharya) is committed, in a unique way, to impart devotional and spiritual knowledge 
through yoga session throughout the year.  His magnanimity lies in not accepting cash or gift articles
even as Guru Dakshina (traditional method of meeting the needs of the Guru's requirements or payment in cash or kind by the students at the time of departing after education) on the occasion of Gurupuja (performed on Vyasa / Guru Pournima Day which usually comes in the month of July every year).   However he was persuaded  by some senior practitioners to accept at least to go on a pilgrimage  from the Guru Dakshina funds. This idea materialised first in 2010. He expressed his wish for visiting his Master's (Ramakrishna Paramahamsa) holy places in and around Calcutta.  How divine  it was to see him prostrate  and kiss the holy grounds of Paramahamsa's trodding on earth.
As if the Bhagawan pleased with his devotees' visit, a dark  cloud  took the shape of a  sage sitting
in dhyana (meditation) posture, on the outskirts of Jayarambati (Maa Sarada Devi's birth place). I instantly captured in my camera the  rare image which vanished within no time.  It is strange but
true. I always trust as ever before that it is the Almighty's handwork!

The above mentioned photographic evidence of 13.08.2010 again took shape of a true-to-life oil painting by me on 29.05.2012  displayed below.

Cloud formation on 13.08.2010

Om Shanti!

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