Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Hari Maya, Almighty's Illusory Play of his Creation, if understood properly with enlightened view, this journey of life is passed off in blissful state of a jnani, the liberated;  on the other hand, if the  'baddha jeevi' - the 'bound' beings, are unable to make any effort for disentanglement from ignorance about Eternal Almighty, the  vicious circle of births and deaths is bound to continue for ever.

The sankeertana, "Chellubadi Kallalata Chetalivi Nivi Yata", (treated part of the compendium of Annamacharya Sankeertirtanas, though written by PeddaTirumalaiah) depicts how this Vishnu Maya tends to misguide the beings from the Eternal Truth. Of course, for the enlightened souls, all these worldly happenings with contrasts are,  a matter of acceptance with a smile.

"Oh Omnipotent Almighty! What shall we say about your glorious deeds of contrasts in this world. You turn the matters of falsehood in to truth overnight and  make believe the lies as reality. We being  in your unflinching servitude with total surrender, let us transcend all your acts of contrasts rising out of your Maya, Illusory Play.

'A farm raises bountiful crop on one hand and on the other exist millions of hills (barren). One cow gives sweet milk aplenty on one hand and on the other, lots of animals remain dry without milk. The dairy cows available are capable of  catering  to the needs of all the beings? How to believe this fallacious truth ?

'We feel hungry take food, satisfy appetite for a while; After lapse of some time again feel hungry and reach for food! So long so forth repetitive? We feel tired, close our eyes, fall asleep and after some time wake up, open our eyes again. Wakeful state - Sleeping state; which is false, which is true; how to understand this deceitful world of your making.

'Even more awesome is the provision of physical bodies with urges blooming from puberty, passions for intimacy ablaze irrespective of being male or female. Even your astute devotees are not exempt from going through this maze; However, they are blessed by your Enlightenment, hence remain unaffected by your delusions."

The inference is like a writing on the wall. 'Know'ledge Spiritual is everything.  There is no alternative to this one fundamental 'vidya', 'Brahma Satyam Jagat Mithya'. The realization of the one and only Existence that is the Almighty and the rest that is his playful Illusory creation with worlds exhibiting acts of contrasts; is the true knowledge that keeps us afloat in this "Bhava Sagara", sailing in the ocean, called Mundane Life!

"Chellubadi Kalla Lata Cheta Livi Nivi Yata" (own tune)

"Dawn of Knowledge"!

Om Shanti !

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