Tuesday, February 6, 2018


"Vodi Gattu Kone Dedi, Volla Nane Dedi"! 
(What's carried along, what's left behind)
Divine knowledge par excellence ! How much thankful shall we be for being blessed with the wealth of information imparted by our great predecessors in the form of rishis, yogis, poet savants, guiding us towards realization of the Almighty, The Eternal Truth! "Brahma Satyam Jagat Mithya" ! These Mithya Jagats are but the Almighty's own making. Once the  illusory nature of all the creation, the multiverses, the beings that inhabit both animate, inanimate, is comprehended, our perspective  in this world becomes clear and unambiguous !

In his sankeertana, "Ainattayi Gaka Hari Kalpitamu Livi", the poet savant Annamacharya depicts the initial dilemma of what to do and what not to do, what to follow what not to follow, what to possess what not to possess; and gradually leads us to the ultimate reality of Illusion of this worldly farce, as there is nothing to carry or to leave behind!

'When all the happenings in this Creation are but the Illusory play of the Almighty, and happen as ordained by the Almighty, then what is there to judge what is to be followed and what not to be followed.

'Among the beings, one does not have thoughts like those of another person. The opinions among the beings are with vast divergence. Oh, the root is one but the branches, creepers are diverse. Whereto come closer and where to abstain!

'One's deeds are not lauded by his neighbour. And the actions of the beings are diverse and multi dimensional in nature. Food one relishes might be the same yet  appetites differ from person to person. Which actions are to be supported and which are not!

'The words of the poor and down trodden are not pleasant to the wealthy one. The relations among the beings take diverse forms. Almighty is One but his created worlds are diverse. In realization of this, what is that  to be carried along with and what is that to be left behind here in this (illusory) world !'

Such sankeertanas like these are a clear eye opener for us in understanding the illusory nature of all our deeds in this mundane existence which are ordained by the Almighty! In this context, we may recollect the message, Alexander The Great, had passed down to the posterity, " See my Empty Hands. In spite of vast empire with riches  I possessed, I am not taking anything from this world"! It's a way leading towards enlightenment about our identity not with the 'form and name'  in this world but with the Eternal !

"Leaving This World Empty Handed"!
(Alexander The Great)

Om Shanti !

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