Thursday, June 23, 2016


In Indian Vedanta Philosophy, one has no escape from 'Prarabdha Karma Phala' - bearing the results of  his previous birth.  To certain extent, this life is being ordained by the Almighty too.
Besides these, cravings of his own mind also have their share in deciding his life on this earth. Till being awakened in respect of 'self' and  embarking on the pursuit of salvation, he has to continue endless traversing of this cycle of births and deaths inescapably.

These deciding factors of moulding  and shaping one's life on this earth are dealt in the sankeertana, "Tana Karma Vasam Binchuka", by poet savant Annamacharya.

'The human being on this earth can't part with certain things such as pitiable and wretched conditions, cravings of the mind, mean and difficult situations, entanglements, unquenchable thirst, physical body, relationships with other beings and span of his life time.

'Similarly, devouring looks of lust, provocations in self and in others, intent smiles, differences, ecstasies, getting flattened with high spirits, not being on talking terms, being stubborn, having infatuations ; all lasting only till one's mind is preoccupied with them.

'Similarly, the being's fears and anxieties, awareness, familiarity of persons, incessant thoughts, (egoistic) intelligence; all accrue with the grace of the Almighty only. It is unwarranted to try to understand the ordaining of the Almighty.  If this were known, man would become Almighty. And Almighty would become Man!'......

Once the  factors that mould our existence on this earth are revealed, and since Divine Ordainment is unquestionable, it is a conclusive corollary, in pursuit of salvation, to make our efforts in harnessing the subtle factor within us - the Mind !

Moulding From Clay!

Om Shanti!

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