Friday, September 2, 2016


Blossoming of knowledge is in the gradual Awareness of the Eternal Truth. Right  from child hood we are introduced to the concept of seeking the Almighty in particular prominent  things and places like statues, photo frames, holy shrines etc. As we grow up with spiritual bent of mind and sense of inquiry through the scriptures, discourses of holy men, service of 'Bodha Gurus', we come to a stage of realizing the The Eternal Truth, The Almighty, in all pervading state of the creation  and beyond.

The humble way in which the poet savant Annamacharya seeks pardon from the Almighty for his mind's limited grasp about His Presence, is dealt in the sankeertana, "Adi Na Yaparadha Midi Na Yaparadhamu" (I committed double mistake)..............

'O Lord! I committed double mistake ! It is my first fault, of having not realizing You as the Omnipresent. It is my second fault of restricting Your Being to a particular place, time, name and form.

'It is my  fault that I haven't realized that all forms subsisting in this entire universe are Your Form only. It is also my mistake that I tried to visualize You as divisible multi form against the Truth that You are the One Indivisible Entity.

'It is my fault that I thought of you as the restricted Individual Soul in  me.  It is also my fault that I haven't tried to realize You as the Universal Soul transcending this creation and contemplate You as such in my mind.

'O Lord! It is my fault that from childhood I visualized You as being present only in  temples and holy shrines ans worshiped You as such accordingly.  and I searched for You hear and there. The Truth is You are all pervading and even present and realizable within me!'.................

The truth is that this is the real situation about all of us. Mostly,  our parents and teachers initiated us in to devotional path of worshiping the God in shrines. And as a matter of fact they are absolutely right! Because our acquaintance and intimacy  by way of regular worship of the Sakara  Para Brahma (God with Name and Form) purges away all our mistakes of omission and commission in this life and opens up the devotional path into the spiritual awareness  and realization of the omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent Nirakara Para Brahma !

"Adi Na Yaparadha Midi Na Yaparadhamu"

Branches (Forms) Are Many;  But....

Om Shanti!